My 2022 Recap — Highs & Lows
2022 has been quite the year. I had swings on both extremes of highs and lows and everything in between. It has felt more heavy than light. It happens to be the case that the mind remembers the painful times more than the pleasurable and sweet.
It started off well. My one and only sister got married in a momentous occasion in March. Dance, tears of joy, laughter, a huge crowd, gifts, people travelling far and wide to join with us. It was lovely. I was overwhelmed with joy. This was really significant for my family — I feel deeply grateful for it till date.

At the gym, I hit a personal record in deadlift for the first time ever. It validated that I had recovered from a back injury I had and also the diet regiment I was on at that time. This was around May, my work was going on well too.

In June a met a girl, I felt really attracted to her. I thought to myself, ‘she is the one’. I felt so deeply about her, my callused mind was finally ‘falling in love’ — and I couldn’t help. She was very lovely in the beginning, I wanted to be with her almost all the time. Then, at some point, we had a disagreement and she just flipped — I saw a side of her that I didn’t know existed and couldn’t stomach. I was glad I found out sooner, it seemed like she was playing pretend till that point to get some outcome, it wrecked me that we had to break up because I felt I genuinely liked her, and I was really invested in her in a short span of time.
My troubles started there, I reinjured my back at the gym shortly after ( not sure if it had anything to do with the break up ). I also had a persistent shoulder issue which is not healed till date. I went to the hospital, had the scans, I was told I needed to do back surgery. I was totally beaten down — I couldn’t believe the turn of events. I was in lots of pain constantly, I could barely sit, walk, or squat, so I considered the procedure. I anticipated huge medical bills ( — and was already spending a lot at that time on scans and physiotherapy and trips back and forth hospitals etc. ) so I decided to move to a cheaper house — it was a major downgrade — shared amenities and what not. Before that I had considered moving back home, but I didn’t feel it was the right move despite the circumstances.

I was scheduled for surgery, I was getting everything ready, NHIF had already approved a request to cover a significant portion of the bill. All I needed was to top up the 1/3 left and have the procedure done. I was scared to my stomach. I was damn near depressed — I was for sure anxious almost all the time. I was scared about the outcome of the surgery — What if I couldn’t walk again after that? Would I be forced out of the gym permanently after that? I also felt like my job was on the line at that time because my performance dwindled greatly; issues in my job had started to develop and I didn’t have the favor of my boss anymore — I was in her bad books. I posted that I had an injury and was scheduled for surgery in the group — I didn’t get a response from her at all — that was a bad sign.
Everyone else replied expressing their empathy and well wishes except for her.
I felt alone, and at the edge of bankruptcy at that time. It was hard to stay positive. I started listening to Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book Becoming Supernatural and talks to try and cultivate some positivity. It somehow worked, the momentum of negative things however was great so the book barely had a lasting effect.
I was advised by family and people around me to have the surgery postponed and try to explore other options of healing. I made the call and had it postponed by 2 months. At this point the physiotherapy didn’t work anymore. I was on painkillers and doing stretches. Then I remembered that I was told sometime back by the physio that swimming was good for my back. I started going immediately. I didn’t even know how to swim, I used to go there and just kick my legs in the water while holding on to the fixture on the pool wall. After two sessions I started to improve, I was relieved of the pain and for the first time I thought I probably didn’t need to do the surgery anymore. That’s how things started looking up and my interest in swimming began. Within that time I relapsed to an old habit of sports betting, I thought I could make an extra buck while at it but I lost — so I quit again.
I quit betting in August, I started going swimming consistently, my performance at work was slightly improved/the workload reduced a bit also due to the general elections. The highlight of that month was when Ruto won presidency. I had voted for him, and had been vouching for him for a long time. It was amazing to watch him win. I couldn’t believe it. It was dream like.

I moved out of my shanty house to the level I was before the injury at the end of that August. I remember taking my first warm shower I nearly shed a tear. It had been nearly 3 months since. I was using a bucket to bath prior to that. I liked the place. I bought an office table and chair ( my cousin covered half the cost — I’m grateful ), I wanted to work better — and have my side hustles paying. I started going back to the gym, doing only light upper body exercises. I bought some Safaricom stocks at what I thought was a good price at that time, but the price sunk till date from that time — waiting for things to look up so that I can sell and put my cash back to money markets. I also joined a Sacco around that time too. I have been in it since that time.
October and November were tough work wise. My relationship with my boss degraded, I didn’t have her goodwill anymore. Things were just difficult. She was more bossy and micro managerial and everything undesirable. It affected me a lot. I felt constantly under pressure, anxious about my job security. I didn’t feel free anymore, even to consult her on small matters, everyday was just torturous. I didn’t feel free also to quit because I didn’t have other lucrative options. There were about two occasions in those months that I broke down bad, and could barely sleep.
Towards the end of Nov, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I signed up for a half year diploma course in sports science — fitness being a natural area of interest. Only with that I felt that I had a way out.

In 2021, I had my first brand new motorbike stolen. The rider I employed made away with it. So in Dec 2022 I got another one — I learned how to ride in a space of 2 weeks. Now I ride around the city quite comfortably. My errands and deliveries are well served.

I also quit what has been my worst habit in my young adult life thus far in November. I wrote about it in this article -: I Lost Time but Won Back My Soul I have been free from it ever since. It was an act of divine grace more than my own will and discipline.
The best weekend of my year was the weekend of the world cup finals. A buddy of mine called me on Saturday night for a night out — his friends’ birthday party. I literally danced the whole night, I needed it; to loosen up and free up from stress. Work had been hectic — about the same old challenges already captured early in the article. The speakers were banging and I had a blast. On Sunday I witnessed the greatest world cup finals ever. Messi and Argentina won! — I had vouched for them since the beginning of the world cup — from a Saudi loss to a world cup win. I was extremely happy. That was by far the best weekend of the year.

We had at least 6 graduations in the extended family in December alone — wins for the family. I had 2 meet ups with friends from campus too. It was great to catch up. My best friend from campus proposed successfully too, soon to get married, that was also exciting.
I experienced a significant low about a rough patch a close friend of mine hit. I can’t reveal details but I was hurt for them, I broke down bad on a particular mid morning. I am glad they are fairing on well now.
I missed a chance to travel outside the country for the first time ever this Dec but my own brother travelled instead, I love my brother — I am happy he went. I will for damn sure fly in 2023.
My last day in the city as it has traditionally been this year was a session at the gym with the guys. Breaking each others balls, fun, flexing photos and videos. I am still to be confirmed by a Physician if I am officially free from injury or at a place I can train fully. Personally I am not 100% but I feel way better — there is almost negligible pain and discomfort at times. I plan to keep being cautious at the gym, I don’t want the injury to ever recur — I know I won’t be able bear the cost if it happens. I will start doing weighted squats probably from March 23' — for now I just try to maintain by whatever means appropriate.

I write this recap relaxed on a couch in my neighbors’ house in my home village. I have been here for 4 days now. I have visited my people, broke bread with them, caught up with my mates. I feel relaxed and sane; free from all the highs and lows that come with city life. I really needed this now more than ever, I will be ready for what 2023 will have in store….Here I come!!!…🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁.
Hi, Imelda 😉😊