A Prayer for the Quietly Desperate
Constantly bombarded by thoughts.
Feeling like I’m running out of time.
What if?
Questions. Questions. Questions.
No Answers.
Exactly the place I have recently been.
At the precipice.
Kapil Gupta’s work couldn’t lessen my pains anymore.
Being with people ( Socializing ) didn’t ease things either.
Not even going to swimming.
Not working out.
Not watching movies, Not social media,
Not a productive day,
Not busyness.
Not intimacy,
Nothing is fulfilling,
In the midst of all of it, the desire to pray came.
I did it,
I asked God that I didn’t really know Him.
That he is the only go to I have now.
And I told Him how I felt.
The things that are troubling me.
Keeping me up at nights.
My demons.
The things I am struggling with.
The bitter feelings that arise within me involuntarily, How I have fought them for years unsuccessfully,
A monologue with God.
For nearly 25 mins.
I asked for peace, for satisfaction, from freedom.
I asked that he keeps me close despite everything.
To fill the void in my heart.
To keep close to his sight.
I admitted that by my own will I couldn’t, because I haven’t done it sofar.
I told him how I want everything in my life: my whole life to be in his hands.
Then something happened.
I felt peace, I felt relief, I felt calm,
I felt the heaviness dissipate,
I felt at ease for the first time that day.
I caught a break.
The ‘cast your burdens unto the lord’ hit me in that very moment.
I could relate in that very moment.
Then I thought to myself, may be I have been approaching wrong this whole time.
I should have been coming to you this whole time.
Why it took me this long, I don’t know. But at least now I know.
The beginning of a new journey.
I want to have the story of: If it wasn’t for God I wouldn't be here.
I want to have that story. And, I want it to be true.
I don’t want it to be made up.
I want my heart to be won over totally,
I want to be surrendered totally to the force that will deliver me from this rut.
I want to be had wholly,
I want nothing of me to be left.
This is where I am.