Compare Results
— Day 44 ( It’s a Countdown )
5 days in…
- More collected — in terms of personality, charm, expression of self, clarity
- A bit sharper in terms of attention to detail, less silly mistakes
- More motivation or inner reserve to do tasks that require a stretched mental application
- More productivity at work
- Less lag in thinking — more on time and correct responses
- Injuries — shoulder and ankle almost fully recovered
- Sincere admission of how wrong I was and apologies to emma
- Gossip, bunter and chit chat for entertainment — no significant change
- Enhance control of carnal desires
- No much backlash from my mind — in terms of inner turmoil about it.
- No heaviness of keeping count of days
- No ulterior motive apart from comparing results throughout the experiment period
- Lessening probability to revert back — to early to speak
- More stoic — calmness.
- Use of social media and YouTube and following sports for entertainment — no significant change.
- Quality of interaction with people and honesty with self — a slight but significant change.
- Quality of decision making — no significant change except for lessened reactivity.
- Feelings of insecurity — still there especially about money — scare to be seen as a penny pincher — which only makes me a penny pincher illogically sometimes.
- Getting value for money — yes.
‘‘…can changing one thing, transform one’s entire life?
It depends on what it is that is being changed…,
If the thing being changed is fundamental or at a foundation, then a huge transformation will be the domino effect…, the foundational lie has been plucked from underneath, the roots have been affected, the whole building will come crushing down…’’