Do you believe in God?
How is that?
I deduce that I didn’t cause my own existence and therefore there is a cause, the cause in God in my own estimation.
How has this been useful to you?
It makes me feel that I am not alone, that the thing that created me is constantly with me.
Does it work every time? No
Then why do you keep believing this?
It don’t know how not to believe it, if I find evidence that I indeed did cause my own existence I would relinquish my belief.
What if the truth is that you don’t know? I don’t know that’s why I believe, I take it on faith.
Explain your not knowing. I don’t know because I have not yet established a solid ground about it. What I know now has the possibility of being swayed.
What about Jesus?
I don’t believe that he came to save me, or anything of that sort. But I believe he was an enlightened human being who had embodied the truth. The saving that I would ascribe to is the inspiration to seek truth drawn from what was written about him and also what was recorded as his sayings.
You have an admission though? That I pray to him sometimes, that I enjoy songs about his name, that I go to church where they constantly talk about him, I cannot deny the feelings that arise when in these occasions, especially the music…
What do these mean to you? I don’t know how to answer that question but what I can say is that most of these stem from conditioning, I have been raised Christian all my life and such tend be the things I gear towards