Empty Lamentations
…it is not the you did not do what you were told, it is that prescriptions do not work.
How you enjoy to Sulking and Lamenting about the ways in which you waste your life.
What a luxury.
How you enjoy the game of reprimanding yourself, making up for lost time after ‘wasting’ your life.
It gives you a rush, doesn’t it.
Such an Indulgence.
You like to tell people how addicted you are to you screens and your phone and the apps, and the social media…
You like to tell them you prefer this media to the other.
You love it even more when you say it to yourself.
You like to have thoughts of how addicted you are to entertainment.
You like to keep yourself addicted by watching videos of how to stop it. By seeking the fixes. The prescriptions.
You could admit you dishonesty with yourself. Your disingenuousness.
One day you hear one prescription giver say being on social media is good for this and that reason…the next you hear another one say I quit for 6 months and I achieved this and that.
You are tossed between one prescription give after another, you time is running out, you life is clocking away but you don’t see…
You live in the hope. The hope of one day being popular, of your content selling…or of totally quitting or being indifferent towards it’s entertainment.
Is hope truth?
Where has it gotten you? Besides fixation on the horizons, on when the next thing will come…has it ever come?
The question remains not when, but for how long are you going to waste your life?
How many days, weeks, months, years are you willing to waste?
How many ideas will you uphold to justify wasting it?
Do you realize that you are even wasting it or you are taking things on belief?
Is the fact that you are wasting your precious one life a realization that has washed over you?
Is it?
Does it shake you to your core that you are indeed wasting it?
…I will put down my pen and paper here.