
Obverse Alchemy
3 min readJul 4, 2021

Can the body act on its on own accord? I ask myself this question because I have realized a huge misunderstanding I have been a victim of till now — that whenever there is a compulsion towards a certain action or direction it is my body that itches to go there. Such as ‘ I couldn’t get my hands of it’. Such statements suggest that the body has a will of its own, that it is in a place of a master ; this couldn’t be further from the truth.

I have come to know the body to be an obedient innocent servant of the mind or of no-mind. These two place is where the body receives all its instruction from; instructions from the mind are in the form of thoughts, emotions, feelings, worry, compulsion etc and from no mind is anything that springs out of pure intelligence or instinct. These include all the processes of the body that happen without the minds instructions i.e. digestion, blood circulation, etc. and whatever response that springs when one is in a state of existence of no mind.

This realization is epiphanic for me — for the first time I look at my hands and I can see the innocence in them. I do this with an apologetic heart for the way I have led it astray. I have misused the innocence of this body so much, I blame it, I punish it, I feed it badly at times, I have destroyed its suppleness with my beliefs, opinions and ideas. I have twisted and turned it to produce a self image. I have put it on a run after empty chases. I have put it at risk of sickness and disease. I have put it at harms length. I have jeopardized it sacredness. I have overworked it. I have confused it with my inner conflict. I have compared it to others. I have sold it for cheaply. I have ignored its cries. I have shown no gratitude to it. I have talked it down. I have polluted it with my impurities. I have made it serve my addictions. Ooh what lousy master I have been. I beseech your pardon. I know you have never held anything against me. How could you? It is an impossibility to you, your innocence and obedience to your master is unconditional.

With the body, one is able to perceive internal environment and external environment. A marvel easily not noticed.

Whatever troubles a human being has ever had have never been to do with the body. By the time trouble gets to the body it is too late because it is carrying out instruction from its master. The Mind. The mind has always been the troublesome one. It runs the body to places it wants in order to fulfil itself in someway. It desires and puts the body to work towards those desires. When the desire is unfulfilled it punishes the body with anxiety. It brings it diseases. When the body is sick, it punishes it with more worry, about what are we going to do now or with death. It never lets the body have a moments rest. It sets it on task A and while on that task A it plans task B&C&D&B and when task A is not done well it punishes the body again. What The Mind.

The state of no mind is the ideal state for the body, because in it there is no interference of mind. In this state the body functions in its natural spontaneous way. Everything is in harmony. No Conflict. No Noise. No Anxiety. No Fear. No Desire. No Mind Made ‘self’ or ‘me’. Otherworldly. I have described this state in a previous article. The words fall short in describing it — one has to have a taste of it to know it. I long to live in this place not just sometimes, but all the days of my life…



Obverse Alchemy

Writing to Explore, Examine, Accelerate, Change Direction, Stop & Restart