Hearts’ Desires

I have observed in myself that the things that come to fruition and bring with it genuine satisfaction were the deepest and the most sincere desires of my heart. Their coming true has come along in the most natural and spontaneous way possible, so no much struggle and strife has to occur, may be just the ignition of the desperation and desire for it. They are the things that; despite reasoning with my mind that I do not want/have these things or that I do not have to attain them — still remain burning within me for some reason.
By genuine satisfaction I mean that they produce a lasting effect, and also do not introduce more problems into my life. It feels right without me having to rationalize to myself, they do not introduce anxiety or inner conflict about within oneself.
What inspires me to write this article? I recently met a girl who has since ticked the boxes of what I sincerely wanted from a girl. I have been searching for this kind of girl for a while since I realized what I really wanted in a girl. ( I have a list of about 15 items ). I wanted to find or to be found by a girl with these qualities and it happened in the most unexpected way possible, and I was into her immediately I saw her. I have dated or made attempts at many women this year, but because they didn’t have these qualities, I just had to drop my pursuit at them and keep moving swiftly.
I had actually given up the search about a month ago, and decided that I could not date anymore. I was wasting a lot of time, resources and emotions but couldn’t find one. I remember telling a friend that I would never ‘fall in love again’ claiming that if it happens I would find a way to rationalize it away — but reality stroke, those were just words, turns out nature was watching my heart, my desperation this whole time.
What is a hearts desire? The way I have come to learn it to be, and the way I see it is the desire that lies deeply within you, that is at the depths of your being that is pure — pure means that it arose from within you and not imposed upon oneself from outside. External factors might have an influence on it but they were not the cause of it, the seeds of the desire have sort of always been within you. Those are things to look out for. Why? Most desires of man are not genuine, they are manufactured, they are mimicry, they are societal, they are culture, they are in service of keeping up with the status quo; hence, whether they attain it or not, they still remain unsatisfied and miserable. It is for this reason they go into the domain of chasing, and being at the mercy of the hope that more attainment will bring them satisfaction.
I genuinely wanted to have a good relationship with a certain person in my family.
I genuinely wanted to be forgiven by my ex-girlfriend.
I heartfeltly wanted to feel trusted by a certain boss of mine.
I genuinely wanted to have a dental make over.
etc.. The things that are heartfelt, the things that one feels deeply that if not settled it will just not be okay with them, those that one feels for whatever reason that they cannot live without. Those are what his heartfelt desires.
It is the ignoring of them that breeds a build up of resentment and misery in ones life, because they make up what he really wanted above all, a heart with unfulfilled desires is a heavy one. It is nearly impossible for one not to follow ones’ hearts desire but it happens that some people mange to suppress it and trade it for something else.
The minds’ desires are fickle, they keep changing but the desires of the heart remain, they will keep on bugging for as long as one lives.
A human feels like he should be doing something else with his life. He feels it from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep, that is his heart crying out from within him. If one purely pursued the innermost desires of his heart, he would never ultimately fail. because;
a. his quest is sincere — he is pursuing is what he really wants therefore his desire will keep burning until it is fulfilled.
b. nature would avail all it’s resources in guiding this man to his desire.
One’s genuine desires have nothing to with a should or what he needs to do, or what is best for him, or what is good or what is healthy etc. They do not necessarily conform to any rule, and because of this, one has to do thorough examination to discover what he really desires. He needs to see what the true source of his desires arise from. He has to find out whether his desires are an aberration or true. Then he can proceed from there. This is how a human being is led by his heart, and I would think that this is the ultimate path to take in one’s own life…this will be missed if it is taken as a prescription and not a true understanding.