Mind Games
I say I hate mind games but I still find myself playing them at times. They puff me up when I am winning and crash me down when I am losing. The context here is in relationships. The ideal place I want to be is no games. Mind games are exhausting and almost not worth it most of the time, especially if one is in a weak position — from a high point of view interactions are not worth it if the there is mind games involved, it is give and take, only situation that would necessitate the playing of games is if it was absolutely necessary.
I have burned a few bridges this way or ended up bending too low to try dig myself out of the pit of having lost the game, which in most cases doesn’t pan out. If interactions get to those points they get to places of no return…games involve emotional and mental manipulations which are in essence lies aimed at arriving at certain outcomes. This is what makes it an unattractive proposition.
Judging from the outcomes in my observation, a direct honest approach and use of appropriate media for different contexts has worked best. So that if a communication needs to escalate say from text to a call just that happens. A reflection on ones motives is crucial; a lack there of is normally of accidental or no consequence.