My Anxiety Lives in The City
I have been away from the city on a work assignment , this is only my third day. I have not seen this kind of peace , quiet , serenity for a long time. Not even a shred of anxiety has arisen in me thus far. In the city I work , I go to the gym , I maintain a small garden , I write , I play basketball , I run , I cook a times…, I do all those things that are indicative of a person who is happy but , I find myself anxious about the future. I find myself worrisome about my career path. I find myself not worthy to have a girlfriend because of my level of income. I find myself hungering for more this more that without satisfaction. I find myself confused most the time , and thinking alot in circles. The income I earn has never been nearly enough in the city. This place I am at all these things don’t apply , I have been so relaxed breathing serenity breath in breath out. This is how I want to live my life , stress free and in a constant internal state of equanimity without feeling the need to do anything to support it i.e. by doing things I don’t really want to do ( the have to do’s )— the city makes my life a routine and doesn’t give me an option to break from working and being involved , it keeps me up at night with its pressures. Now I truly know that my anxiety lives in the city…