My Beloved Boss
I received news today that my boss is moving abroad.
Moving to stay for a long time.
I couldn’t stop my tears from rolling.
For nearly 30mins, I wept. In the balcony of the house he is vacating.
I had to hide myself while weeping. I didn’t want him to see me like that.
In the company I work at; he is the only person that I sincerely feel cares about me. He really cares about me. Since the first day I have worked with him till date — he deeply cares about me. He cares so much that I exercise restraint in what I ask from him.
I wept because in that moment it felt like I was being abandoned, — left in the hand of people who are almost the opposite of who he is — my other bosses who I am not convinced care enough.
I don’t know exactly why I want to feel that they care about me. I really crave it.
He is the one man after my own heart.
For the past 2 years, he has been my teacher, my counsellor, my inspiration,
my go to in tough times. He is genuinely interested in what I have to say. He naturally understanding, he is deeply respectful, he has kind heart, not just to me but to everyone around him. And it is genuine — not cleverness or trickery.
Till date, I have NEVER met a human being like him.
Just being in his presence alone has a huge effect on me.
He emits the kind of energy that uplifts my soul.
He is saintly.
He makes me believe in myself.
If I could aspire to be like anybody in this world, it would be him.
He is the only person I could devote my lifetime to working with.
I wish him the very best that life can give.
It is an honor for me to have worked closely with a human being like him.
I am whole heartedly grateful.
I am glad that the universe chose me to be by his side.
I trust that the training he has given me is enough to sustain me till we commune again in person.
I pray that I make you proud.
Bye, Mansuud!