1 min readNov 3, 2023
Thank you God for granting me this client…
- Has dire need to get fit either because of disease that they are trying to prevent, manage, or reverse, or for weigh loss or body recompositing purposes. Someone who sincerely needs the service.
- One who has no financial challenges and hence can pay me KSH. 50,000 per month for services.
- One who values the services of a fitness trainer or my services hence can pay me KSH. 50,000 for my services.
- Preferably a female client.
- A client who is respectful of boundaries e.g. that I am in a committed relationship or married etc.
- Someone who is generous, understanding and kind, has a good heart.
- Someone who pays in advance and on time without any back and forth.
- Someone who is serous about wanting to achieve the goal at hand hence sticks to the workout routine.
- Someone who not going to die or have fatal injuries in my hands.
- A client who I will jell with in a respectful manner without boundaries being crossed.
- A client who can refer me to other client of their caliber or higher.
- Thank you God for giving me this client.
My intention is to offer my services at a fee that can make me sustain living a decent life while saving and hence be able to provide for the family I will have with Viv…