My True Need for Money
If one has resigned himself to living a simple life; in which he has very little and needs very little, freedom is possible for him. If one is not; financial freedom is a prerequisite for freedom. Only once one is financially free can he fully devote his life to true freedom. Kapil Gupta MD
I have pondered why I really need money. It has come down to play — to be free to do things purely not for ulterior motive. The ulterior motive of earning money. To be able to afford to do things I like so that I do not have to necessarily turn them in any way to sources of income. I want to be free. Free so that I can continue exploring and discover what I am really good at in this world— this way I can devote my life to it and in doing so make my life useful and not waste it.
Other reasons are so that I can contribute in building a home for me and my brothers and sister. I can also support my brothers’ agribusiness in whatever way I can. I have a soft spot for my brother in my heart.
I also want to increase my investment in money markets and live off the interest.
I have realized that it is hard to be charitable with salary income and savings, I am more charitable with other income apart from the hard earned. Having money such as interest will allow me to give back more because I know there is plenty where that came from.
The universe has found a way to give me bliss, and freedom from anxiety (peace). It has and still solving all my other inner troubles. I beseech it to find a way to bring money to me. I can feel in my heart that this request is sincere and genuine. Money would be in good hands with me — I can be entrusted. I do not think I would contribute in bringing more suffering to myself and to the world. The universe has built up my immunity to being corruptible…