No More Hip Hop
Today I have decided that I will no longer listen to any kind of profane music again. Hip hop of course is at the top of the list. This genre — the profane side of it has had an influence on me since I was in high school. To the point that I have even adopted the accent of it. When I speak in that accent someone would think that I am from the States for real.
The reason why I won’t listen again is because the music is totally opposite of the person I am. Music glorifies materialism, promiscuity, drugs, violence, profane language etc. I am totally the opposite of those things in real life. In fact I have found them to be ineffective in the real world.
I realized that I have wasted years of my life seeking entertainment in that section of music. Collecting albums, keeping up with the latest, wasted emotional energy when a rapper dies for some reason or another. If I wasn’t invested it would never bother me when someone died. The motto from now is that if the music is profane in any way it is not worth a listen.
I am at a stage in my life where every second counts, there is a sense of urgency that has developed in the last 3 months. I literally feel a heartache when I waste time. I cannot afford to waste time. All my life should be spent in engagement, in whatever valuable thing that needs my attention there and then. I guess I am finally becoming the man I always thought I needed to be. A man whole life is worth living…