I don’t know how to respond to this because it raises so many questions which if I just accepted the apology it wouldn’t be sincere on my side — I would accept but still remain troubled inside.
Questions like — Is this how you’ve felt all along? or for how long? Would you do this to your siblings? Questions as to whether I am really welcomed at home? Do you resent me for some reason? Have I overstayed my welcome? Am I/have I been a bother/burden?….so many questions…some of which a sincere one on one conversation might be more appropriate. A text reply might not service.
Though I am adult by age, I still feel like a kid inside in many ways some of which is just to have a home and to feel loved and cared for.
This is basically all for now, I am heart broken, it will take time and possibly some explanations to understand things to mend.
I have a lot of issue from childhood/from growing up some of which were covered in therapy, such an incident triggers me and it just shatters me — abandonment issues, rejection, traumas…etc.
That’s all.