Reality Struck
I have been in the process of moving out of home in the past three weeks, this is for the first time ever. Throughout my life I have never lived alone. Not even in campus. I was growing to be the 30 yr old who still lives in their mama’s place. I can feel a tinge of shaming in that sentence. Only after paying my deposit and rent, a bed and beddings, and gas I have been forced to a tough awakening. My income is low, something I would never really seen while living at home. I have to figure this out. I have options, the quickest being to have 2 gym clients I can train for USD50 a month.
I see me moving out both necessary and unnecessary. On one hand, it was about time, I am getting into my 30s on the other my room at home is empty, it not like I am moving out to accommodate someone else, or to another part of town or city. I am moving out but to the same neighborhood.
Just like most humans, I too act when I am pushed to the edge. Paying bills is going to spark a lot of growing up in me. A lot of having to do what I have to to get by. For the first time, I have been forced to see that my monthly income is low. If I am going to live and may be later raise a family later in the city, it is absolutely necessary that I raise my income level.
I have feelings of regret in me about not grasping much of value I could build on in my undergraduate. I was in a top tier university by Kenyan standards but I couldn’t garner enough discipline to master anything of value from the course I pursued. This is pinching me in the back now but I know just the possession of paperwork from that university gives me some upper hand in the marketplace. Off to the world of survival of the fittest, I don’t see myself moving back home even if things get tough out there, I will figure it out. Thank God I am not heavy laden with responsibilities that would harden my maneuvers.
I used to be excited by the thought of having my own place so that I could entertain girls but now that I am here, it is the least of my priorities. May be one day when I find solutions to the pressing issues in my life. A day that might never arrive…