Thank You for Loving Me
Thank you for hearting me,
And seeing light in me,
And telling me things you’ve never told a soul,
And reaching those depths of velnerability that you never thought you could,
And believing in me even more than I believe in myself,
And making me feel that I am worthy of care,
And making me feel that I’m enough,
And for understanding how I percieve being shown love,
And for keen ear to listen, not to just respond but understand,
And for all the benefit of doubt,
And for seeing value and future in my career choice,
And for being a constant safe space I could open up to,
And for longs hours of hearted talks,
And for touch,
And for not pressuring me to be anything I am not,
And for taking away my loneliness,
And for your patience and slowness to judge,
And for the gentleness of your voice,
And for the beauty that you are and exude,
And for color and flavor you’ve added to my life,
And having me walk with a lightness and more swagger to my gait
— discourse for my heaven sent, chichi —