from the color of your skin,
shape of your chin,
the way your cheeks rise when you smile,
who you are as a person,
i mean damn - you are someone that is going to get somewhere in this life, I can see it, you don't even need my say so. you never seem to do.
all that being said,
despite how I feel about you,
that I am going to see you and talk to you a significant amount of times in the future,
despite not having looked in your eyes enough,
i rest my case, i think that was it,
i have admitted that I like you enough, - it almost repulses you at this point
written enough articles and poems about you,
i have taken quite enough no replies, no call backs - even to your admission
I have chased enough, pursued enough, apologized enough,
unless our paths cross in some other spontaneous, mystical way, apart from the common spaces we share,
or if you have a change of heart, and I still feel the same.
this is it,
thank you for all the memories, lessons, — you toughened me up in someway, priceless
i will laugh at the days, that thoughts of you kept me up at night,
i will cherish the moments of near romance,
the long phone calls,
talks about religion, this and that,
I will indulge myself in the thoughts of what could have been,
And the shreds of feelings that will keep on coming,
I will write poems in secret,
I will admit to people that there was this girl I really liked
I will do it, until it wear off from my memory like an old tattoo
I will do it, until they day that I don’t see the what I see in you anymore