The Desire to Enter Presence
1 min readDec 19, 2022

- The desire to lose self.
The self the bare with it irresoluble turmoil, self image, unrest, anxiety, insatiable desires, dangling carrots, fear, and the whole gamut.
- The desire to lose this self once and for all; or just for a day or a moment.
- The desire to be free from this suffering generator.
- The desire to enjoy the feeling of satisfaction, of ‘nothing is missing’, of deep peace, of joy, of a sense that everything is settled that comes with entering the moment. That comes with being in the moment. The sense of floated-ness, the depth of bliss.
- The desire to be free from suffering once and for all.
- The desire to find that which has the capacity to give lasting, lifelong satisfaction. That which bring to an end chasing for a doze of good feeling, of pleasure seeking, of feeling fragmented.
- The desire to be free from a life of chores, and maintenance of a self image.
- The desire to live a life of total spontaneity; of doing exactly what the moment requires. Nothing more, nothing less.
May this desire always burn within me, until it is permanently satiated.