The Observations
I see a specific girl, something in me happens,(process X)which cause feelings to arise — pleasurable feelings which inclines me towards her. The inclination towards her is because I feel that it is the girl who has caused me to have these feelings. The truth is that it is the girl who has revealed these feelings in me — such as feeling oneself. Process X seems to happen without my permission —it happens despite me. I am only left to live with the effects.
Nature doesn’t really care. It takes it’s course without consulting us. It has put mechanisms in us to incentivize us to move in accordance to it. In this case it is pleasure, the promise of satisfaction, or sweet feelings. So nature pushes me to be closer to the girl by these incentives. Its main objective I suspect being to bring people together to reproduce and take care of the young. This push is so strong that it nearly overwhelms the human every time.
When I choose to avoid the situation I get negative feelings. I guess this is natures’ way of punishing the human for not obeying its commands. And this happens every time. Nature ensures that it is painful and makes the pursuit of her pleasurable or promising of pleasure/ satisfaction.
The process X and the feelings is what man construes to be love. Or calls attraction or desire. Where does rejection come in; a) is when I outright choose not to act upon the feelings b) when the girl refuses my attempts at her in whatever way. In both cases it is painful. The rejection of not choosing to act on the feelings is often way less painful than the latter.
This is the pattern that I have observed in my experiences, what varies are only the details of who, time and place…