The Prison of The Need to Quit Anything

Obverse Alchemy
2 min readAug 13, 2021

The push to quit this and that is a popular and fashionable thing nowadays. It is regarded as some banner of progress. The need to quit things is a problem on its own now, because it is largely a forced thing. It is is manufactured. If often leads to the perpetuation of the thing that one wants to quit in the first place. My social media consumption for instance went high when I started to adopt the idea of quitting.

The things that fall in the category of things of quit in my life are things that happened naturally, a once and for all dropping. I gave the example of being plant based in a previous post, it happened once, no gradual process, no easing into it, nothing, it does not feel like I am depriving myself of anything either. when things happen naturally they are lasting and sustainable, a forced change will bring more baggage to it, one will feel deprived and hence tension which leads to the indulgence in the same thing one tries to quit in the first place

The question will be asked, so if we drop the need to quit now what? what will we do? First off, wanting to drop the need to quit things is a prison its own. It is imperative to understand me saying drop the quitting does not mean now you indulge in whatever you were trying to quit as a reaction, if one wishes they can indulge, there are no rules — it is just that such proceeding is in a manner of ignorance. What is missing is understanding, and examination of past results that the quest of quitting things brought. If it has worked for one then there is no need to change, of which I know is rare. Trying to quit things only leads to failure, I can actually say that even the idea of quitting things is flawed, the only way one would know they quit something if they track themselves till their dying day to know for sure that they quit. I guess that is why quitters of things are obsessed with keeping a count of days…I am no exception in this.

Imagine not having the need to quit anything, that extra baggage of need gone, just like that. Most of the problems brought by these idea gone. How much lighter you would be. Imagine realizing that you quit something without ever having had the need to quit, it happened, and its done. No baggage. This burden of needing to quit things has weighed on me for so long, it bears with it guilt, shame, fear, inner conflict, forced discipline all such dysfunction. When the mind goes down this route it also becomes habituated to the need to quit and manufactures the need to quit the need to quit. I can’t fathom the number of traps that lie in this mind…



Obverse Alchemy

Writing to Explore, Examine, Accelerate, Change Direction, Stop & Restart