The tRuth aboU TrutH
1 min readJun 22, 2021
- to believe or opinionate about it is to miss it
- to intellectualize is to miss it
- to let it do to you naturally what it will do to you is to find it
- to force its understanding upon oneself is to miss it
- constant exposure to it causes it to reveal itself
- to pursue it to fulfil curiosity is to never find it
- sincerity and readiness are key to finding it
- the truth is not a concept
- it is the only thing that works
- to arrive at truth is not an achievement
- without readiness and sincerity truth cannot be imbibed
- once one sees it he cannot unsee — its effect is irreversible
- it is the only reality
- it is beyond the domain of the mind
- the truth is unchanging
- there are universal truths and truths about every situation
- to try to live up to it is to miss it — a chase
inspired by Kapil Gupta MD