Obverse Alchemy
3 min readDec 23, 2021


The people seeking a permanent way out of their problems will seek transformation, the people who just want their problems to lessen in intensity or just feel better, or manage their problems will seek fixes that are related to effect level of things such as behavior modification, doing less of this and more of that, hacks, techniques and such, they will go from one section of books and guru to another seeking the latest prescriptions, or seeking to implement the ones he has already has adopted more effectively. He or she becomes subservient to the prescription and not the thing that he is truly after. To perfect the prescription becomes paramount and the getting of the thing becomes secondary.

Transformation is something that comes from the individuals sincere desire to truly transform, he gets to this level of sincerity often when things get an extreme where in his heart of hearts he can’t see it to be sustainable for things to go on the way they are anymore, A place of extreme desire or desperation or when things reach his or her threshold to bear, when all other avenues have truly been seen to not work, when he has no hope to hold on to left, when he absolutely has no choice. When the only way left is up, when there is nothing to go back to. He or she will transform.

It is this very sincerity to change that will create the transformation, it will make his seeking sincere because within him not having arrived at the place he is transformed is simply not acceptable, it lead him to the information and people he needs at every step. He will go the miles, he will experiment, he will do this and that until he arrives at the transformation he seeks. He will not be satisfied with nothing less, he will know it when it finally happens.

The upside of true transformation is that it is irreversible, once one is transformed it is for life. He might forcefully try to go back but it will no longer feel at home there, because now something in the inside of him has changed. True transformation causes one’s habits to change of their own accord without the employment of self discipline or will power. The transformation sustains itself while changes such as behavior change will need the individual to keep ‘behaving good’ the putting in of constant effort. It does not address the cause of things but the effect therefore the attempts to change at those levels of behavior or modifying the external world are cosmetic, transformation happens within and the manifestation of that transformation happens without. IT has never been the other way around.

I will challenge the person seeking to transform through the avenues of self help, gurus, spirituality etc to write down what their problems somewhere then continue in those modalities and then see if the change they are seeking has arrived. If it works well and good, but I can almost promise you that it’s a wild goose chase. The predictor is once level of sincerity. If one is not sincere it is not possible for any true transformation to happen.

— — — this piece is inspired by personal experiences which have greatly been influenced by Kapil Gupta’s work


Obverse Alchemy
Obverse Alchemy

Written by Obverse Alchemy

Writing to Explore, Examine, Accelerate, Change Direction, Stop & Restart

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