Where does Transformation Come from?
“ a human being cannot transform himself, he can only improve his self image”
This truth has managed to soak up my blood a little bit, now I am aware that any attempts at me trying to improve myself are by definition interference. They interfere with the power that is really transformational in me, that causes awe inspiring changes effortlessly. This power does so in an alchemic fashion and it is the power of seeing truth and understanding it viscerally not as intellectual knowledge.
We have been cultured in a society that is poisoned. It is has poisoned the human being so much that he cannot see truth that is at his nasal tip. That is right in his face. It has set the human to run chasing for that which he already is and has. To search for what you already are is to totally miss it, one has to open his eyes and just see it. The mind of a human being has been poisoned with prescriptions, that is the way they approach everything. He sees a truth and immediately turns it into an ideal, a rule, something to live up to. As soon as he hears such truth like “ a human being cannot transform himself, he can only improve his self image” his prescriptive mind leads him on a chase on the opposite direction, he was previously working at improving his self image and mistaking it for transformation and now he will do the opposite with the same expectation of transformation. He is not aware of the minds trickery, how it is capable of changing hats and playing camouflage. It will take up the hat of the one who is not improving his self image as its new self image. Kapil revealed to a seeker that the greatest trick of the mind is posing as the fixer. “ if man attempts to fix the mind? The mind recognizes this and puts a stop to it. By posing as the fixer.”
Why aren’t we examining the nature of the mind in a devotional sense? If it can play such trickery then what else can’t it do?. This proves to me that all doing is futile and that men of truth are very rare gems.
I have looked into my life. The things that have truly changed in it are the ones that happened effortlessly, to this day I don’t how exactly how I ended up on a plant based diet. This is something that I could never imagine in a million years, but I am here about 1.5 years in it, now I don’t see myself any other way. It is not something that I have to put any effort to maintain, I don’t wake up and say ok today I am going to avoid all animal products. It just happens, when I am asked to explain how it became, I have probably one or two explanation but I know deep down they aren’t ultimately true of what happened.
Truth causes the sort of Arrival that can be owned. Once one arrives at something by truth and not his doing the transformation is irreversible, the thing arrived at is owned, it cannot be otherwise. This is why I long to be fully devoted to truth because it works. I have been on self help, self improvement jargon the past few years and it ran me crazy. None of it works. They didn’t lead to any Arrival, when I stopped reading and listening to the self help stuff, I lost the change that I had supposedly arrived at, the maintenance work was just too much. Again, it didn’t work and it cannot be otherwise because self help is loaded with rules, ideals, methods, techniques, how to’s, hacks, do this don’t do this — prescriptions and wherever these are truth is not there, and wherever truth isn’t there change cannot be owned. How to’s work only for mechanical things such as making a bed or brushing ones teeth and nothing else beyond that.