Why I don’t Get, Reads, Views and Claps
The reason why my writings receive next to none of applause is because I write for entirely different reasons than to appeal to an audience.
An appeal to an audience will be entirely accidental if it ever happens.
My main reason for writing is self examination.
I want to get to the crux of whatever it is that is bugging me or,
Explore to the fundament what it is that intrigues me in whatever form it comes at any particular time.
This way I am free to write about anything.
I can always keep writing. This is how I know I will never stop.
This way I will enjoy the unintended benefits e.g. typing speed going up, nowadays I can type without thinking or looking. I also get to test writing styles and vocabulary where it applies. I am more fluent in English than the average person in my country.
I can get personal and vulnerable without feeling like something is at stake.
The people who read my articles know more about me than people I talk to.
This is the ‘Red Table’ for me — I hate to use this reference.
My highs and lows, my lifestyle, things I am interested in etc.
There is very little of a filter.
The way I would get ultimate freedom in my writings is if I don’t publish the m at all.
This way I can be even more raw. I will have no filters. There will be nothing at stake. There will not even an dot of fear of being view in a particular way.
There will be no worry about what if a family member views it.
There will be free from the need to be understood or being misinterpreted.
There will be less ego in my writing.
I will be free from that voice in my head, telling me to be appropriate.
I will only my heart, mind and fingers pouring out what it is that I really want to say.
I will be an hermit with my writings.
Transformation will be a thin ICE break away.
I will arrive with least interference.
This course has just began.