Why Man is not Free

Obverse Alchemy
2 min readJun 20, 2022

A man is not free not because the circumstances of life have not gone his way.

Not because he is not skilled or competent in his field.

Not because he is addicted to this and that.

Not because he is not financially free.

Not because he works a 9–5 job.

Not because he doesn’t have good relationship.

Not because he has not performed the said ritual, practice or penance.

Not because he has obeyed or disobeyed.

Not because he didn’t do well in his academia.

Not because he cannot communicate well.

Not because of fear, doubt, guilt etc...

Not because he had a rough childhood.

Not because he lived with his parents for long.

Not because of anything but that he lives under the control of his mind.

The mind is his master.

It creates all the thoughts that bring angst within himself.

It creates for him a self image — ego which keep him bound.

It creates his circumstances, his fears, his depression, his anxieties, his doubts, his limitations, his rules.

It becomes a sheath which prevents him from seeing truth.

It puts him in an endless loop of thought and emotions.

It creates desires and cravings which lead him to chases and addictions.

This is because he lives within the mind. He is identified with the mind.

He believes the mind is him.

He has not yet realized that the mind is a separate entity.

He is yet to transcend the mind.

If the transcendence does not happen, he remains bound till his dying day.

He will go through grinders of pacifiers.

Religion, spirituality, intellectualism, adherence to groups, adherence to ideals, achievements, meditation, journaling, ambition, etc. and it is within the performance of one of these that the end of his life finds him.

It is almost certain that when that day comes, he will not have found it; freedom, nirvana, lasting peace, lasting satisfaction, fulfilment, realization or enlightenment — and believe it or not, this is what he longs for above all else in his lifetime.

Why will he not find it? It is not found in those avenues…



Obverse Alchemy

Writing to Explore, Examine, Accelerate, Change Direction, Stop & Restart