Why My Life is Awesome — Series.
This will be an intentional experiment to try to restore gratitude and excitement about my life. It will go on for as long as the motivation to write it goes on.
My life has lately become one of a lot of angst, and I wish to change that. This will be the first thing I do when I wake up everyday.
The aim is to look at all the areas of my life deeply and see what about them makes my life awesome.
I want the flavor of my articles to change, the conversations I have with people to change and the mental narrative about myself in my mind to change.
I want my days to be joyful whether things are looking up or down. I want to look back at my life on my deathbed and say that whatever happened in my life whether good or bad happened but at least I was jolly and joyful through it all.
Ep1. Tomorrow…