I work out a lot, that is 7 days a weeks. Monday to Friday gym and Saturday and Sunday Basketball Practice. I actually just got back from the gym. I am also very keen on keeping a clean diet. I am purely plant based, and I insist on eating whole foods — home cooked. My job allows me to get enough sleep everyday. Because of these reasons I have developed an impressive physique, my skin is glowing among other benefits.
I title this article ‘YES!’ because I finally found a girl who I think is genuinely viscerally attracted to me. I want to feel that I am attractive. I know that I have the height, the physique, and chocolate skin and all, but these haven’t seemed to be attractive to women. It is like they don’t give a shit. I have not received any genuine desire for intimacy for a very long time. None. I am taking about crazy intimacy where the girl has genuine longing even just to meet.
I thought may be it was because I didn’t have my own place that this was so but hell no! I have tried to reach out to almost 10 girls in my phonebook and some in real life, they don’t seem to be into me like that. The girl I wanted to be my girlfriend safely put me in the friendzone. I tried to go for a kiss after hanging out with her one evening, she turned her head away, told me she was preserving her kiss for someone else! Ouch haha. So I know where I am in her books, I know where to keep her in my books.
My most pronounced response has been outrage. I am mad at women for not finding me attractive despite me having ‘ what women want’ — to some degree I know I have something attractive, but what do I get? Rejection. Rejection is not as emotionally painful for me now; it is what makes me able to cast my net wider. I still have my non negotiables for a girl I would consider for marriage, but for relationship they are relaxed.
I hope this turns out well!